
Wednesday, 9 December 2020

2020 Extension Reflection

2020 (as you know,) has been very unusual due to the virus. There are lots of highlights and lowlights to this year. For example, one highlight: during lockdown, I got to hang out with my family, and do family activities together. One lowlight: we had to stay inside for most of level four unless one person from he house had to go shopping. During lockdown, I went to the same classes, maths, literacy, and home class, and even extension. 

Firstly, term one is hard to remember because it feels so long ago. But I do remember that it was close to the end of a school day, and then we heard Mr Burt call out on the speaker that we were going into lockdown. This made me both happy (because I was going to sleep in, and spend time with my family,) and also worried because I didn't know how the future would look, and how the rest of this year would go, and also because the virus sounded very dangerous, and like it had already hit a few people, or even countries.

Next, term two it started with everyone still in lockdown, and online learning starting back up again after a two week holiday (in lockdown.) Term two is also a bit hard to remember, but I do remember doing lots of learning online, and seeing my friends and teachers on google meets. 

Then, after a long second term, it was term three. In the beginning of term three, exciting things were happening, including year 8 camp, and then another lockdown. After lockdown, the rest of term 3 happened, and then term 4 started. Term 4 has been quite exciting, with different things and events happening, and also lots of warnings and advice college. Overall, 2020 has been quite a weird year, and if I could thank all of the essential workers, I would. That is my reflection.

Friday, 4 December 2020

Art Alive Expo 2020

 Art Alive Expo 2020,

Today, we had our art expo. This was quite interesting, and I really enjoyed walking around the school, and looking at different art pieces. First, we started at the new entries/ year 1's class rooms. There was a lot of art in these classrooms, and they were very stunning. Their artwork includes tie dye monsters, fish made out of paper plates, and animal portraits made out of paper plaits and paint.

These were very beautiful. I also spotted in the hallway of the year 1 classes, bubble art. This looked very cool, and I'm guessing they were fun to make. In room 18, there was art hanging on pieces of string, and half of a page of paper said dirty hands and showed painted hand prints below, and showed when the hands were clean. Then we went and saw the year 7 and 8 extension art, which was terrific. rm 19 had Piet Mondrian art, and room 21 had paper butterfly hanging from a string.  room 23 had tie dye shirts, and  team 3 overall had artwork that was fun to look at because of the vibrant colours included. Team 2 had different self portraits using different things like shapes and colour. 

   Team 4 had different pieces of art about each of their cultures. For example, Maori, Pacific, and more.

Team 5 had different artists for different classes. Room 11 had Sebastiao Salgado, room 5 had Andy Warhol, room 4 had Vincent Van Goph , room 3 had Georges Seurat, room 2 had Alberto Giacometti, and room 1 had Edvar Munch.

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Limerick Poem Literacy

 Walt: express ideas in poetry form.

Task Description:
For reading this week, we learnt about limericks. At the end of this presentation, is my own limerick.

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Extension Art T4W8

Task Description:
For extension art this term, I had to create a landscape which represents both me, and New Zealand ( the country where I live.) As you may be able to see, there is a Samoan beach fale and flag, and a table with an L&P bottle, pineapple lumps, and chips. All of these things are at a beach in New Zealand, so it all adds up together, to represent me, my culture, and my country.